The Versatile Blogger Award!


Hi guys,
So, yesterday I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award. By the amazing – ‘A Judge less Life’ Her blog is A Judge Less Life so check her out. I want to start this post by just saying thank you because I am flabbergasted that someone enjoys my blog enough to nominate me for this!
So if you are nominated there are a few rules to follow:
1.     Thank your nominator and include their link – share the love people!
2.     Post 7 random facts about yourself.
3.     Lastly, nominate 15 of your favourite bloggers and display your award on your blog.

And here we have seven random facts about me:
1.     I am a *slight* book nerd/ geek girl…
2.     John Green is my all-time favourite author and I got a signed poster of is for Christmas.
3.     I have received my Hogwarts letter. Later Muggles!
4.     I have two pet guinea pigs, mine is called Truffle and my sister’s is called Fluffy.
5.     I have always wanted to be a writer, for as long as I can remember anyway!
6.     I am a stationary addict… enough said
7.     I don’t like most chocolate cakes.

Crikey that was harder than expected!

Anyway. The 15 bloggers I am going to nominate are:
Meg –  Beautiful You
Christina - This Fashion Girl
Leah - Leahh Lou
Laura - Elelibee
Panda eyes (I’m sorry, I couldn’t you’re your name anywhere!) -Peppermint And Panda Eyes
Holly - Holly La Beau
Elouise - Elouises Diary

I hope you all choose to participate! J
Ily xoxo

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  1. Such cute facts! Glad you have your little award now x

  2. I would LOVE a hogwards letter, very jealous ;)

    Corinne x

    1. Aha! Thanks! 😉 will check you out 💗

  3. Hello, we have nominated you for 'The Liebster Award' due to how lovely your blog is! Over on our blog now if you want to take a look x

    1. Aww wow thankyou so much!! Means a lot!! 💗💗💗

  4. Wow congrats on your awards and you Hogwarts letter 😄😄😂😂💖💖💖 please could you check out my blog please <3
