The Very Inspiring Blogger Award


Hi Guys,
So today, I have ANOTHER (!!) award post for you.
Thank you so so much to Sophie, again, for nominating me for this! It means a lot that such an amazing blogger likes my blog!

As always there are some rules for the nominees,
They are:
Thank the person who nominated you
List the award rules
State 7 things about yourself that others do not know
Nominate 10 other blogs
Tell your nominees and link them to your post
Display the award Logo somewhere on your blog

7 things about me:
1   Barely anyone I know in real life knows about my blog.
2.  I got my braces off just before Christmas.
3.  My favourite song at the moment is Wonderland by Taylor Swift.
4.  My favourite perfume is Britney Spears - Circus.
5.  I made two blogs before this but changed my mind and deleted them before I posted anything…
6.  I'm listening to 5SOS as I write this.
7.  I love record players and instant cameras.

I nominate:

Thanks for reading! xoxo

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  1. Congratulations on the nomination lovely!

    You should tell your friends and family about your blog - mine are my biggest supporters :)
    Thanks so much for nominating me too, thats so sweet of you <3

    Best wishes, Danielle xo

    1. Thankyou! I'm in the process of telling some people, I guess I'm just worried about what they'll think...
      Look forward to reading your post!
      Lucy xoxo

  2. Wonderland is such a TUNE. Literally raving to 1989. All day. Every day.

    1. Yesss omg 1989 is perfect! Glad to have found another swiftie! :) xx
