Summer Bucket List 2015


Hi guys,

So today I have a quick, fun post for you. This is my summer bucket list 2015, it's just a few little things I would like to do this year. If and when I complete things from this list I’ll come back and put a cross through them, hopefully by September it will all have been crossed off!

Be sure to let me know your summer bucket list in the comments :)

Have a movie marathon
Make a summer playlist
Watch a sunrise
Blog at least once a week
Spend a day at the beach
Laugh until I cry
Have a huge water fight
Run more
Write more Pitch Black

I hope you liked this slightly different style post :)

Lucy xx

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  1. Loved this post! I too have a little bucket list of my own that includes sunrises, little trips, regular blogging and lots of laughing too!! 😊


    1. Thankyou! I'm glad you enjoyed it :) Great minds think alike eh? (;
      Lucy xx
