The Creative Blogger Award


Hi guys,

So today, I’m back with another blogger award post. 
This time I was nominated by the lovely Becky from Becky Bea Blog. 
Thank you so much for this :) 
You can find her HERE. I really love her blog so definitely check that out :)

The Rules:

So as always there are a couple of rules to this tag. 
1. Thank and post the link to the blogger who nominated you, spread some love!
2. Share five new facts about yourself with your own blog readers.
3. Nominate 10-20 blogs and notify all nominees either on their blog or by social media.
4. Pass these rules onto your nominees so they can do the post too :)

Five facts about me:

1.     I am on grade 4 piano and grade 6 flute.
2.     I have wanted to be a writer since a very young age.
3.     I am quite bad at finding inspiration for my writing, quite a lot of ideas come to me when 
I’m least expecting it…
4.     I am wayyy too excited for the Paper Towns movie this summer.
5.     My favourite subjects at school are English, French, history and music.

I nominate:

Hannah at HannahDelacour
Emily at Far FromVogue
Jennifer at Young AndTwenty
Vanilla Drxps at VanillaDrxps
Unicorn Girl at UnicornGirl 2000
Bloggers Beauty at Bloggers Beauty

Thanks for reading! Be sure to check out the blogs I’ve nominated as well as Becky! :)

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  1. Awe thanks for nominating me hunni xxx

    1. No problem :) I look forward to reading your post :) xx

  2. Congrats on the award! I have not heard of Paper Towns.. going to Google it now! x
    Laura | Loved By Laura

    1. Thank you! I would definitely recommend reading it, it's one of my all time favourite books!
      Lucy xx

  3. I'm grade 6 flute as well!!

    Jessica x

    1. Haha really! It's such a good skill to have! :)
      Lucy xx
